April 13th was my mother's birthday. She already left with the Lord many years ago, but on this earth, she always lived to serve Him and was an example in wanting to be close to Him. She never enjoyed good health and, very early in her life, the symptoms of Parkinson's made their appearance in a sibylline but constant way, leaving his body absolutely devastated. Even so, he never stopped saying with Job: “I know that my Redeemer lives and even if my skin is discarded, with my eyes I will see God” (Job 19:25-27). Now you see him! No pain, no sores and no tremors. What great hope for those of us who loved her so much and continue to love her! My father followed her after a few years and now they are both, with my dear grandmother, and other loved ones, with their Lord, enjoying His presence and eternal peace forever.
You may wonder why I begin my reflection today like this. I have been reading, in my devotional time, Ecclesiastes chapter 12 and I want to make a very special call to the young readers of these “Reflections”.
The first verse of this chapter is a tremendous command for those who have not yet reached old age. Read it with me. “Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the evil days come..., when you say: Life is no longer pleasant.”
Bad days? No, the following. I transcribe you the description that the sacred writer makes of those days. I will copy it from the New Living Translation:
“Do not forget your Creator. Honor Him while you are young before the light of the sun, moon and stars grows dim in your old eyes, and black clouds forever darken your sky. Remember Him before your legs - the guardians of your house - begin to tremble and your shoulders - the strong warriors - stoop, before your teeth - those few servants you have left - stop grinding and your pupils - those who They look out the window - they no longer see clearly..."
What a panorama, right? It is not very far from the one described in the first paragraph of this text. That is why I write today for you, so that before old age comes, you will think of your Creator and live for Him.
I am happy when I hear young people say that nothing is going to happen to them during this pandemic. Luckily, in most cases they are right. The disease is cruelly attacking the elderly. However, that does not change anything that the text read says. You are young now. Marvelous! No? But remember that the day will come when you will no longer be.
Live now with the joy of the Lord on. Serve him like never before. Love him more than before. May this confinement help you see that, if you were not very close to Him, you must return, as soon as possible, if you want to one day enjoy His presence, in heaven, forever. God doesn't have grandchildren, he only has children, and he wants you to be one of them. Perhaps you have been, for a time, in “the remote province,” just like the prodigal son. Have you thought about getting up now and returning to the Father? Well, think about it!
But, also, and returning to the suffering of old age, are you remembering a lot, these days, of your parents or your older grandparents? Maybe you can't go see them or hug them. But you know how much you mean to their lives. Don't stop calling them, kissing them from a distance, sending them virtual hugs. You young people know a lot about that. Practice it with them!
Ester Martínez Vera